Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Tinjauan Umum Pandangan Dunia Teknologi Komunikasi di Dalam Kehidupan Sosial

     Manusia adalah makhluk sosial. Makhluk hidup yang saling membutuhkan satu sama lain untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Tidak terlepas dari itu, manusia juga sangat penting dalam menjalin hubungan komunikasi. Lagi pula, teknologi komunikasi saat ini memang sudah di acungi jempol karena bisa membius masyarakat untuk ikut serta dalam era globalisasi seperti ini. Banyak manfaat yang didapat dari teknologi komunikasi di kehidupan sosial misalnya seperti menjalin hubungan komunikasi yang baik melalui jejaring sosial, memberikan pendapat langsung melalui media televisi, dan melakukan pembelian tanpa harus datang ke tempat tersebut.
        Pada era modern saat ini, banyak cara untuk berkomunikasi dengan sanak keluarga ataupun teman yang tinggal jauh dengan kita entah di luar kota ataupun di luar negeri tanpa harus bertemu secara langsung. Salah satunya dengan mempunyai account pribadi di jejaring sosial, seperti, facebook, twitter, dan skype anda bisa bertegur sapa, mengetahui keadaan mereka, dan juga mengetahui kabar terbaru diseluruh dunia tanpa harus mengunjungi mereka karena itu bisa menghabiskan banyak uang dan waktu.
         Tahukah kamu maksud dari adanya telefon interaktif di stasiun-stasiun televisi khususnya acara berita? Telefon interaktif adalah salah satu teknologi untuk berkomunikasi dengan tujuan menyampaikan pendapat tentang kabar terkini misalnya, ada seorang penelpon yang ingin berkomentar tentang kasus korupsi di Indonesia. Cara seperti ini cukup dibilang efektif karena secara tidak langsung mereka menyampaikan aspirasi mereka sendiri tanpa harus bertemu dengan petinggi-tinggi negara.
         Teknologi komunikasi tidak hanya dibutuhkan untuk berkomunikasi dengan keluarga, teman, atau relasi tetapi juga untuk para penjual yang ingin berdagang di media komunikasi seperti di handphone. Dengan cara seperti ini banyak penjual yang merasa di untungkan, karena tidak sedikit orang yang tidak punya waktu luang untuk pergi berbelanja hanya karena sibuk bekerja. Mereka bisa memesan dan membayarnya dengan cara transfer uang kepada penjual yang kemudian barang yang mereka pesan akan di kirim ke rumah.
     Kesimpulannya, banyak manfaat pada teknologi komunikasi di kehidupan sosial yang sangat nyata adanya seperti menjalin komunikasi yang baik tanpa harus bertemu, mendengarkan aspirasi masyarakat melalui telefon interaktif serta menggunakan cara yang efisien untuk membeli sesuatu tanpa harus datang ke toko atau mall.

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Disadvantages of Drugs

         Do you know about drugs? Drugs are addictive substance. Drugs have a negative impact for the people who use them. The human body is simply not designed to endure all the things that drugs do to it. The types of such drugs are coccaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, and heroin. In Indonesia, many drugs dealers sell drugs illegally. Various ways to do like that, for example, use the small fisherman boat to catch fish in the sea, while the drug dealers smuggle the drugs in the fish. Many drug dealers are not only arrested and sent into prison but also they get punished because of their behaviour. They do it like that because they want to get much money with a simple way althought they know the dangers of drugs to those who consume them. Most of drug users are teenagers and young adults aged 15 to 20. How teenagers could be comsuming drugs? The teenagers have a sense of curiosity and just want to try but they are dependent of illegal goods. Not only men but also many women  get addicted to drugs. Drugs have side effects on continuous consumption and can be addictive. All drugs, however, have negative side effects, and the person abusing drugs or addicted to drugs will get the negative impact such as health damage and mental disorders.
            Almost all drugs can have a negative physical impact on health.  Not only declining health in the body of the user, but also the physical condition weakened. Most drug addicts ending with a leak heart valve, a perforated lung, kidney failure, liver damaged, impaired blood circulation, nervous system disorders, and brain damage causing impaired learning ability. Whereas for the physical condition of the user usually their weight dropped drastically, decreased appetite, pale face, pale lips because they use long-term of drugs. Not only that, the physical damage from virus infection is very common among injection drug users. For drug users through hypodermic needle, especially for use the hypodermic needles in turn, the risk is contracting diseases such as hepatitis B, C, and HIV, which until now there is no medicine to cure. Drug user can cause bad condition when over dose of drug consumption exceeds the body's ability to accept and can lead to death.
            Beside drugs have a negative physical impact on health, the drugs also affect the mental from the user. Mental disorder is usually causes depression. Effects of depression to drug users can be caused by criticism their family, friends and community or failure in trying to stop using drugs. Not only depression but also drug users become hallucinating excessively which reproved or scolded, they become very sensitive because their emotional unstable and encourage them to act arbitrarily causing disadvantage to the user and others. For example, when desire drugs became more important than anything else, it will destroy family relationships and friendships with a various ways such as selling valuables to buy drugs, always take the opportunity to steal money either at home or at school, tell lying to their friends and family, they may even threaten to kill just to get money. If drug users do not get 'something' that they want, they become irritable and depressed then they hurt themselves, even to suicide just because illegal goods.
              From some of the statement, drugs also have a big impact for the environment, which causes the user feel isolated and acts as an anti-social individual. For instance, no longer trusted by others as most drug addicts will lie and commit a crime, lost learning opportunities and may be drop out from school or college, damage the family name and it make their family an embarrassed, sadly, disappointed that caused mess in the family. It makes users more likely to spend time alone and be excommunicated because of  their daydream and be dissociated by the family and the environment. That the situation make them shamed, depressed, stress, and even be alone because the users thinks has a bleak future and no one cares anymore about them. In addition, the impact of drugs on the environment can also interfere with their should do activities, such as learning in school, talking with parents, playing and socializing with friends.
             In conclusion, the drugs are not good for the users and the drugs have a negative effect, because the drug contains chemicals that caused affect on health. Not only declining health in the body of the user, but also cause a the brain system disorder that makes users depressed or stressed, and could lead to death, and also the user’s social relationship becomes distant each other in the environment. It makes user feel isolated and acts as an anti-social individual who makes them alone. Of course, parents are important to play role in this situation by monitoring their routine daily activities and good communication with them. “Prevention is better than cure” is really proven in the case of the use of illegal drugs.